When a Man v. When a Woman I: Rape Vs False Rape Accusation

This’ll be an ongoing series in which I’ll update periodically, in which I’ll usually examine double standards in our society (not that this is much of a double-standard). MRA’s usually state that a man being falsely accused of rape is worse than actually being raped, yet no one else seems to believe it. So, we’re going to go over this on a point-by-point basis. So, here goes nothing: When a Woman is Raped VS When a Man is Falsely Accused of Rape

Physical Damage:

  • When a woman isĀ  raped she may suffer cuts, bruises, or broken bones from the rape, which may take weeks to heal
  • When a man is falsely accused of rape he suffers no physical damage from being accused of rape.


  • When a woman is raped she has a choice of whether or not to make her rape public
  • When a man is falsely accused of rape, the accusation is made public. Very public

Sociological Damage

  • When a woman is raped she has little to no chance of being fired from her job, getting kicked out of school, or ostracized from her family because she has been raped
  • When a man is raped he has a high chance of being fired from his job, getting kicked out of school, or ostracized from his family because the world thinks he’s a rapist

Psychological Damage:

  • When a woman is raped she has a high chance of developing a psychological disorder such as PSTD
  • When a man is falsely accused of rape, he has no chance of developing a psycholigcal disorder
  • However, both of their chances of suicide increase exponentionally

Prison -Time

  • When a woman is raped she has no chance of going to prison because she has been raped
  • When a man is falsely accused of rape he has a high chance of going to prison, especially if he had consentual sex with his accuser

Chances of Rape

  • When a woman is raped her chances of getting raped again do not increase, especially if her rapist is incarcerated
  • When a man is falsely accused of rape his chances of getting raped himself increase exponentially in jail

Chances of Murder

  • When a woman is raped her chances of getting murdered do not increase because she has been raped
  • When a man has been falsely accused of rape his chances of getting murdered (by vigilantes or police) increase.

So which is worse? The answer lies with the facts, and now the facts lie with you